The People’s Sheriff

Elect Lucas Grant for Aiken County Sheriff

Lucas Grant is a hardworking and determined individual with the experience needed to protect and serve Aiken County while strengthening the community and it’s members.


Lucas Grant

Aiken County needs a Sheriff that is Committed to Justice & Safety for All. Someone with awareness and an outstanding character that the community can hold accountable and fully trust to keep them safe and thriving…


In The News

Aiken County Sheriff’s Race: Coming Into Focus

“…If it’s true that you can tell a lot about a person by their children, I’d say Lt. Grant has a good solid start to winning my vote next year.  I’ve only met him and his wife briefly. But they both left an impression of caring, focused parents doing their best for their daughter while also trying to have an impact on the community around them…”

Case Focus

There is strength in unity amongst families.


Highway Safety

There is strength in unity amongst families.



There is strength in unity amongst families.



There is strength in unity amongst families.


Intelligence Unit

There is strength in unity amongst families.


To the community

A Letter from Lucas Grant

Dear Aiken County Community, 

It is my highest honor and privilege to share with you that I, Lucas Grant, am formally declaring my candidacy for Sheriff of Aiken County. 

As a husband and father of three girls, the topic of safety is substantial to me. As someone whose family has been a victim of violent crime in Aiken County, I am passionate about serving the people of Aiken County and improving the way citizens are protected. Over these next few months, I am making it my priority to visit each and every corner of this county to not only share my vision of being AVAILABLE to each of you, AWARE of the communities wants and needs, and asking you to hold me ACCOUNTABLE! But also to listen to the concerns of my community and make a plan of action to improve public trust and agency management. I believe that is the kind of Sheriff you deserve. 

I began my law enforcement career with the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office as a Deputy Jailer 13 years ago. Through hard work and perseverance, I rose through the ranks to the Lieutenant that I am today. Through the skill set cultivated by my time as a homicide Investigator, 91.4% percent of the cases I have investigated have been solved. I have created several community driven programs to feed, educate, donate, and serve citizens of Richmond County that I plan on implementing for the Aiken County community.  

I encourage every voter in Aiken County to keep an open mind and allow me to earn their vote during this election. 

Please reach out to either my team or myself, if you would like to speak with me to hear more about my vision and goals for the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office. I would take great pleasure in visiting with your congregation, your neighborhood, your school, your business, your association or organization. I can’t wait to meet you and hear what you need from me to make Aiken County safer. 


God Bless. 

Lucas Grant